The Triple Whammy of Being a Black Woman Introvert

All three can count against you in the workplace

Hello friends,

Some time back, I read a Twitter thread that blew me away with the force of its truth. It was about being a Black woman introvert, and it made me reflect on my own experiences.

Any woman knows that there are certain things you may face in the workplace. Sexism is rife in many workplaces, and women may be undermined, ignored or assaulted. That also applies to Black women, sometimes with an additional layer of misogynoir.

There’s more: as a Black woman, you’re more likely than not to be “mistaken” for the help, and to have your qualifications and competence doubted.

Now try being an introvert, too, especially if you find it hard to fake extroversion. You may find it difficult to make your presence felt, and this may count against you at performance review time.

What Happens to Black Women Introverts in the Workplace

The pain of racism - well, just one of the many pains of experiencing racism - is that so many white people are often ready to believe the worst of Black people, based on nothing more than the color of our skin. As a Black woman introvert, I’ve seen quite a few examples:

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