About Sharon’s Anti-Racism Newsletter

What is Sharon’s Anti-Racism Newsletter and why should you subscribe to it?

Hello, I’m Sharon Hurley Hall, and I am the Founder and Curator-in-Chief of Sharon’s Anti-Racism Newsletter. I’m on a mission to fight racism one article at a time.

Photo of Sharon Hurley Hall

I started writing anti-racism articles regularly after George Floyd was murdered, and I haven’t stopped. But fighting racism is a marathon, and it will take all of us, so I’ve always been clear that amplifying others is part of my mission.

As a result, this newsletter includes:

  • My own experiences of and perspectives on racism and anti-racism, based on several decades living and working in different countries

  • Interviews with anti-racism writers, activists and people making a difference

  • Personally curated articles by other anti-racism writers

  • Resources and tools for fighting racism

Here’s a recent testimonial from monks and mannequins.

This newsletter is a must-read if you are a committed anti-racist or would-be ally looking to get insights, resources and tools to help you do the work and progress on your journey.

Publication schedule

Sharon’s Anti-Racism Newsletter has two seasons a year: mid January to end of June, and August to mid-December. During those seasons, we usually publish 10x a month, on Mondays, Wednesdays and some Fridays by 9am Eastern. Off-season, we publish once a week, usually on Wednesdays.

What You Get For Free

Free subscribers get access to at least one new piece of anti-racism content per week, including:

  • All interviews and reviews

  • The monthly reading list - 10+ pieces of anti-racism content personally curated by Sharon

  • Articles sharing personal experiences of racism

Every new free edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Interviews and reading lists will always be free. However, some free articles are paywalled after six months.

SARN Supporter Benefits

But, I’m going to level with you: writing about anti-racism feels like a calling, and I’d like to turn it into my day job. To do that, I'm going to need more paid supporters. I’m hoping you’ll be one of them.

Some of the benefits include:

  • The SARN podcast with my short takes on the anti-racism issues of the day (2x per month)

  • Double the content (2 pieces of anti-racism content each week, including essays, interviews and reviews)

  • Access to ALL the articles - there are more than 460 (and counting) instead of the 50 or so without a paywall. Newsletter archives are paywalled after 6 months.

  • Supporter-only content, including a behind the scenes letter, and early access to some articles.

  • The opportunity to provide tangible and meaningful support for a Black woman who’s fighting racism one article at a time. This work takes an emotional toll, and paid subscribers help me fund the support I need.

Plus you’ll be part of a community of active anti-racists working to make the world a better, more equal place.

Here’s what some of the newsletter’s supporters have said:

  • “I use Sharon’s Anti-Racism Newsletter for personal use. Working in this space is hard and I like the feel of the activist side of it and some of the areas to remind and reset myself on. Ultimately it's something that keeps me going, keeps me sharp. Inclusion work can be a lonely space and I feel empowered when I'm reminded of those powerhouse figures or topics. It's validating also. So thank you l!” - Karla Inniss

  • “Sharon's Anti-Racism Newsletter is hands down the most informative thing in my inbox. Her straight-talking erudition always challenges and educates. So much so, that I had to make a whole folder in my link collection just for the things she shares. If you want to support an incredibly talented Black writer and further your anti-racism education, look no further. Racism is so pervasive that we sometimes fail to notice which of our 'benign' (but ultimately erroneous) beliefs are rooted in questionable social conditioning and an incomplete understanding of history. Learn, absorb, push back and grow. I don't believe it's Sharon's style to say it this way so I will: you're bloody welcome for this gift.” - Asmara Kazmi, CEO, The Ops Room.

  • “I’m a paid subscriber and highly recommend! White people wanting to learn more about how the world is for non-white people- it’s the bitesized weekly knowledge shot you’ve been waiting for. Well written, easy to digest.” - Janine Coombes

  • “Sharon’s newsletter is one of the few I read every single word of, every single issue. If you’re serious about widening horizons, learning about what the world is like for people who look different, sound different, live different, experience things differently from yourself, and want to make a better world for everyone, this is the place! It’s a teeny investment for a big juicy reward.” - Vicky Quinn Fraser

  • “Sharon's newsletters consistently educate me, shock, appal and move me in equal measure. Grateful for it in my inbox. If you haven't subscribed this is seriously a non-negotiable for any white person wanting to be on the path to allyship or accomplice status.” - Becky Jovy-Ford

  • “I love the way you use personal experiences to illustrate general learning points. I love your generosity in introducing and celebrating other writers and their work.”

  • “It's a great newsletter, powerful & insightful, and one of the few must reads in my inbox on a regular basis.” - Joe Cardillo (see it on Twitter).

  • “Subscribing to your newsletter has been fundamental to my personal and professional development. Thank you.” - Ana Maria Desmaison Cornejo

  • “You’ve done such an amazing job of consistently amplifying others.”

  • “I've learned so much from you and from your newsletter.”

  • “Thank you for continually helping me think and grow.”

See more comments from subscribers on this LinkedIn post.

Why pay for this newsletter?

Writing good articles takes time and effort. When you support the newsletter financially, you give me the gift of time to make this newsletter even better. It means I can put in the hours to research and curate the right resources, to reach out to activists for interviews, to polish my articles, and to keep finding ways to level up. At $10 a month or $100 a year, it’s a small price to pay for the value this newsletter offers. And if you have the means and can make a bigger contribution, then please do - and thank you!

About Sharon Hurley Hall

Wondering what makes me the right person to do this? I’ve lived in the Caribbean, the UK and France, and have spent a lot of time in the US. I’ve experienced racism in all those places, and more. In addition to decades of lived experience, I hold MA degrees in Media and Cultural Studies, and in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, and I’m the author of I’m Tired of Racism, a collection of anti-racism essays that was the top new release in its category on the day of publication, and of Exploring Shadeism, an analysis of colorism in Barbados and the wider Caribbean.

Simply put, I’m bringing everything that I am and have done to this anti-racism fight. 

Ready to help me make a difference?

When you fund your subscription, you can help me make a difference, so I hope you’ll support me in fighting racism, one article at a time.

Note: I sometimes share books and resources on this site. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.