SARN Top Voices 2022

12 people I read daily on LinkedIn

Hello friends,

One of the things that troubles me on LinkedIn - one of many - is their selection of Top Voices. While there are a few I wholeheartedly endorse - you know who you are - there are others that leave me scratching my head in puzzlement.

How is it, I often wonder, that some of these top voices in DEI or equity or anti-racism or other related topics are people who have never crossed my radar? I mean never, despite the fact that I’m immersing myself in these topics all the time. It’s odd. Though maybe not so odd if you think about the algorithms.

But anyway, I thought I’d compile my own list of go-to people on LinkedIn - my own Top Voices, if you will. The criteria are loose - the people are Black or Global Majority, and for the most part, they have fewer than 50,000 followers (there are a couple of exceptions).

I’m keeping the list to 12, so this in no way represents all the people whose content I find valuable. However, these are some of the people whose content I read most regularly, and find most informative, even when I don’t agree with everything they say.

There are some things they all have in common: they hate racism and discrimination and are fierce and unapologetic about it. I love that, and it’s why I look forward to everything they post.

They’re listed in alphabetical order by first name, and I hope you’ll find them as informative as I do.

Ashani came to my attention because she brings together anti-racism and dance in some powerful and impactful videos. They are truly beautiful and pack a punch. For example, see Why I Don’t Want To Be Called A “Strong Black Woman”. Learn more on Ashani’s website.

As the person who brought the Black LinkedIn culture to public attention through her New York Times feature Black LinkedIn is Thriving, Ashanti is always a must-read for me. You can find even more from her and support her work via her Patreon community.

Dana Brownlee has been highlighting racism and discrimination through her Forbes articles and LinkedIn newsletter for quite a while now. I always enjoy her well-researched articles which feature a multiplicity of voices and perspectives.

Getting Comfortable with Discomfort During Discussions of Race and Racism is one recent example of her work. Learn more about Dana on the Professionalism Matters website.

Farzin fights isms - all of them - with well researched and in depth posts through an organizational justice lens. I don’t always agree with him, but he always makes me think. Learn more on the Critical Equity website.

Aside from being my honorary cousin - we share Caribbean ancestry - James is here because of his written spoken word posts - read them to see what I mean - sharing Black experiences online and off. Whether short, medium or long form, James’ well-chosen words will make you stop and think.

Janelle is all about equity - so much so that she named her consultancy after it. She’s a quiet but firm voice in the fight against discrimination and the battle for companies to get serious about DEI. Learn more on the All Things Equitable website.

One of the things I love about K is their “I’m shouting” posts where they raise an issue that they’re passionate about. They also have a wonderful podcast and are particularly excellent if you value content about mental health. You can learn more on their website.

Kimberley brings the salt to any discussion of DEI and anti-racism. Her soundbites and performative allyship theatre posts are golden. Get them while you can, because she’s just opened her own community, where she’ll share some of her saltiest takes. Learn more on the Junxure Consulting website.

Though I thought I’d make the list people who aren’t related to me, lol, Lisa is the first person whose profile I visit every day and her anti-racism content is fire. So is her Black mental health content, come to think of it. Her recent post on Juneteenth performativity blew up with good reason. Learn more about Lisa on her website.

Liz really needs no introduction but I couldn’t leave her out because of her excellent posts and her podcast which has brought a ton of Black activists, creators and others to the fore. Plus her promotion of all things Black - check out her weekend polls - makes her feed a delight. Check out this post on mental health and her website.

If you know Madison, you already know she is Black AF, Queer AF and anti-racist AF and she has a bunch of heavily trolled posts to prove it. Her stance and message are clear - so if you’re not already following her, now’s the time. Check out her website for everything Madison’s doing.

I discovered Theresa through the posts that would eventually become her book, Blaxhaustion. She uses LinkedIn to deliver a series of what are effectively short courses in anti-racism and allyship. Do yourself a favor and scroll back through her profile to check, then visit her website for more.

My thinking is that we don’t have to wait for platforms to crown us - we can crown ourselves. Who are your top voices - the people you look to for valuable insights on racism and DEI every day?

P.S. Want to progress on your allyship journey and take the lead on anti-racism, wherever you are? Check out the Anti-Racist Leaders Association, where I’ll be co-leading a group to ensure effective allyship at work and beyond. Doors open in July!

© Sharon Hurley Hall, 2022. All Rights Reserved.

I am an anti-racism writer, educator and activist, Co-Founder of Mission Equality the author of “I’m Tired of Racism”, and co-host of The Introvert Sisters podcast.


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