Meet Rebecca Stevens Alder, Anti-Racism Writer

And learn why she has an optimistic view of the anti-racism fight

Hello friends,

Here's another in the Meet an Anti-Racism writer series. Today, I'm happy to feature Rebecca Stevens Alder. She's one of the writers I follow on Medium and I've shared some of her work before. I've always found that her writing resonated with me, perhaps because we share the experiences of being in interracial relationships, raising biracial children, and writing about racism. Please meet Rebecca:

1) Rebecca, what made you become an anti-racism writer?

My children are the reason I became an anti-racism writer. For most of my life, I have been putting up with racism. I’ve been sucking it up and getting on with life. After the death of George Floyd, something woke up in me. I realized I needed to speak up against the oppression and injustices Black people face. I wanted to lend my talent for writing to the fight against racism. I particularly love the fact that things that are written on the internet stay there forever. As such, my contribution to this fight is one of my gifts to the world.

2) What response have you had?

I’ve seen a high-level of readership of my articles. I think people genuinely want to learn to be anti-racist and sometimes feel uncomfortable talking about the subject in society. I think my articles help them educate themselves in the safety of their private sphere. For me this type of education is the most effective - people learn and absorb information when they are in a comfortable and safe space.

3) In relation to racism, what is your vision for the future?

I have an optimistic vision for the future where racism is concerned. I am convinced that as populations mix, the unnatural social construct of racism will disappear. All we need to do is educate and create opportunities for people to mix with each other more, to get to know the other more. When the other is seen as another human being with emotions and feelings, it will be easier to wipe out racism.

4) What are your top three anti-racism articles you have written?

The third article is my favourite one because I think it puts the reader in my shoes as a Black woman. Whether you are white or brown, you realise what it feels like to be a Black woman when you read that article.

5) Share one anti-racism article you've read that resonated with you.

My favourite article on anti-racism happens to be one you wrote. I like it because it conveys the message that we the anti-racists will no longer be muted. We will do what it takes to get our message out to the world. There is power and hope in this article and I love it very much for that.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about Rebecca. Please follow her on Medium and Twitter to keep up with her anti-racism writing.

Thanks for reading,



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