Why I’m Not Watching Any More Videos of Black Death

Who needs any more pain?

Note: I wrote this before the white supremacist killing of Black people in Buffalo, but I could have written it at any time in the last few years. More Black people dead, another white killer being arrested safely, when a Black person in the same situation would already be dead. Still more evidence that Black lives don’t matter to many. More heartbreak, more trauma. When will it end?

Hello friends,

The other day I was scrolling through my Twitter feed when I saw someone saying: “Oh my word, not another one.” I scrolled a little bit further, and I soon found the name of another young Black man who had been shot by the police. I did a little bit of googling, learned a little bit more about the incident and had a brief moment of mourning.

You know what I did NOT do?

I didn’t go and watch the video. And I may never watch another of those videos again. Here's why I feel that way.

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